Phosphoryl Chloride (POCl3)

Phosphoryl Chloride, more commonly known as phosphorus oxychloride, is a colorless liquid. It hydrolyses into phosphoric acid in the presence of moist air. It is produced industrially in large quantities and is primarily used to make phosphate esters.

The Molecular Model

This is an image of a three-dimensional model of phosphoryl chloride. The arrows show the flow of polarity from the more positive atom to the more negative atom. The model of phosphoryl chloride is tetrahedal. This means that there are four atoms branching off the central atom, with no unshared electron pairs. 


  1. Sam,
    I like the simplicity of your layout, the red at the top of the page gives it a little color, and it does not overpower the information. My attention is immediately drawn to the information rather than everywhere else. The 3-D model looks correct as the proper angles are shown for a tetrahedral molecule. The arrows are also going in the right way, from the lower negativity to the higher. You also correctly showed the polarity of the molecule, which is polar, due to the uneven distribution where the oxygen is slightly more negative than the other atoms. The types of forces of attraction are also right as there are only two forces, Dipole-Dipole and London Dispersion because there is not a hydrogen atom for the oxygen molecule to connect with.
    I really enjoyed your ad because it was quite informative and seemed to be on the more optimistic side. The molecule, for once, does something good without being too dangerous, which is also a very big plus. The ad made me want to actually go out and get some Phosphoryl Chloride so that I could make a nice Halloween costume for this year.

  2. The overall look of your blog is very clean, functional, and organized. It offers a proffesional appearance while still remaining generally simple. The 3D model of you molecule looks correct and the angles seem to be correctly determined. You correctly identified this molecule as polar due to the Oxygen atom being slightly more negative. The intermolecular forces you described were also correct for this molecule. London dispersion acts on all molecules and dipole-dipole applies here because of the positive and negative ends of your molecule. Your ad was very informative about the many uses your molecule has and how it can be applied to practical uses. You skillfully showed how this molecule is very interesting and useful for many things.
